Sep 28, 2016

Tim Tebow Goes Yard In First AB- World Goes Crazy

Tebow HR video

Great, as if Tebow mania needed any more fuel for the fire. First pitch ever in his professional baseball career and he hits a home run. Seriously? As if this wasn't enough of a frenzy, circus, spectacle, dog and pony show, overall straight up ridiculousness full blown shit show. I mean am I the only one sick of Tim Tebow? Although I have to say the shot of the crowd is hilarious. There is like 30 elderly folk who are there most likely in between nap time and the afternoon showing of Matlock.

Let's be honest, the guy won't make the majors, and if he does, it's all for publicity. He is going to hit about .220 once he faces competition, and strike out at least 33% of his at bats. Hopefully by then he can finally ride into the sunset of irrelevance.

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